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Cardinal Pell Goes Free

Cardinal Pell Goes Free, But Victims of Abuse Remain Imprisoned By Their Memories

There will  perhaps be more questions than answers generated from the High Court decision to overturn the jury trial that convicted Cardinal George Pell of historic child sex offences.

Much about the process could well be deemed to be unusual given that the High Court would not traditionally hear such a matter in the first place.  To overturn a jury decision could also be considered exceptional given that only those present would be truly privy to the impact of testimony given at the originating trial.

One question is how we still go forward with the support of victims when so many see only this very high profile case, and the result that has ultimately dashed the testimony of this particular claim.  One could also ask why did one man stand up to be counted with seemingly no benefit to flow, other than to seek what he felt was his truth, and that of his friend who died of a drug overdose in 2014.  It makes that path seem all that much harder.

The answer lies in a lot of positives still to come.  All over the world, we are talking about this scourge against children over centuries,  we are believing the victims, we are supporting them, and in the vast majority of cases we are getting both vindication and compensation.  The case against George Pell  is but one case, with no doubt more questions to be asked, and truths to be brought to the fore over time.

Perhaps this is the time to indeed rally.  Keep up the fight and the pressure to press for those who have lived a life of haunting memories in unbearable solitude.  There is justice to be gained, but it needs to be pursued and brought to account.

To all the victims of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse, it’s not over, it’s beginning.

Barristers have made substantial headway into providing support and compensation for those individuals who have suffered through childhood sexual abuse. We are work with victims on a daily basis, and we see first-hand the incredible impact that this abuse has on the lives of an individuals. In many cases the offences were brought to the attention of superiors yet no action was taken against these predators.

The very real difficulties in life that have arisen as a direct result of abuse , form part of the compensation that we will seek on your behalf. For a private and confidential conversation with Ross Koffel to discuss your experience, and the possibility of a claim, please contact us using our secure and private online form here; or to be sure, call Ross on 02 9283 5599.

We are here to help.

Contact Our Firm Securely or Call (02) 9283 5599

3 replies to Cardinal Pell Goes Free

  1. Just re reading. You use the term ‘original trial’, if we go back to the original trial, the real original trial, it was a hung jury, with 10 saying not guilty. And your suggestion that you had to be their to experience the evidence for against proper consideration of evidence. The one Victorian Supreme Court Justice and the 7 High Court Judged have the benefit of not seeing that. They made judgement in the basis of evidence not court behaviour. Emotions sweeping away good law practices.

    Those Charges should never have laid against Pell. So although he is free now his name is sullied for all time. Doesn’t matter that hundreds still think him as guilty, eveb though he couldn’t have done it. Lost his job, lost eEVERYTHING on the basis he was jailed for something he could NOT HAVE done.

  2. The Vic Police and Vic Courts are corrupt. An historical case was heard over a give yr period. The defendant was not given the chance to defend himself. The Defendant had credible witnesses however, the Poluce dv I’d not investigate. Crucial evidence to prove the accusers were lying was dismissed. Evidence was withheld.
    Police bullied the Defendant and witnesses. The Defndants charges were being found not guilty so the prosecution decided to push for the Defendant to be tried under the tendancy act. Dispite no evidence being out forward by accusers. Dispite much evidence on the Defendants behalf. The defendant was found guilty.
    It was absolutly obvious that the accusers had lied. Now. He was sentenced jail and has to remain on sex offenders register for 15 yrs. He is completely innocent.
    The witnesses continued to be bullied. Defendant now homeless. Family threatened, abused, attacked where ever they go. There is no fair Judicial system. Now. Anyone with vandettas or hungry for money can write false statements and the Defendanr does not stand a chance. This is appalling. No doubt this was what happened in Pells case. It would nor surprise me.
    The Police and prosecution stick together. Their aim is to jail uou no matter if innocent. They have to appease communities somehow….do they not.

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