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The Key To A Successful Compensation Claim: Follow It Through

Having successfully acted in literally hundreds of matters regarding the abuse of children in a myriad of institutions across Australia, it is sometimes good to reflect on the very positive outcomes from the process of a successful compensation claim. They may not be what you think.

If you would like to talk to one of our institutional child sexual abuse specialists, for free and in confidence, about your legal options, please complete the form below, or you can call us on 02 9283 5599.

Laying a successful compensation claim always starts with what can be a daunting process of making the decision, making the call and taking the first step. What people don’t always contemplate in making this decision, is how it might feel at the end of the process.

Don’t just think about beginning your claim: think about the end result. How would you feel?

We have heard a lot of stories and suffice to say the confidentiality of our clients and the private nature of their claims are bound by both legal requirements and ethical standards. That said, we can say there are patterns to virtually all the matters of abuse in which we act.

a href=””>Survivors of child sexual abuse are deeply traumatised, sometimes more than they know and confronting it in terms of making a claim, almost always touches a “sore spot”. The impact on everyone manifests itself in different ways, impacting their ability to maintain

  • their work life,
  • personal relationships,
  • social interaction,
  • financial stability and
  • emotional stability

Often issues of depression, substance abuse and the ability to pursue a productive life make for a constant struggle.

It crosses all walks of life.

So what then happens when the compensation process is done and dusted, and what can it mean to a claimant?

Firstly of course there is the receipt of funds as agreed at settlement.

This can mean different things to different people. Some make a deposit on a property to live in; some get financial help to invest the funds for a more secure future; others repay debt or help family members. Regardless, the effect is often life-changing, but the financial side is usually only part of the story.

We recall one client who was reduced to a life on the street, he had issues with drugs and alcohol and his family life had broken down completely. It was a decision to act that was years in the making, but today with a successful claim, that same person has purchased a home, gained worthwhile employment, sought help for his dependencies, and has re-established his relationship with his children. He has self-belief and esteem he thought was lost forever.

Another client had totally broken down, becoming incapable of relating to either his family or friends, becoming almost frozen in life within four walls. Again, it took bravery and determination to take the first step, but with support from those who understood and never judged, his entire life turned around. His claim became one of the largest recorded in Australia, and he has taken control of his life, invested well and is leading a life of independence for the first time ever.

So what is the reason for these positive stories about those whose lives seemed always destined to be held in the grip of the violent and disturbing abuses of the past?

The answer is made up of multiples.

Yes, financial compensation, but also;

  • vindication,
  • the belief that cries for help were true and worthy,
  • getting an apology for the wrongs committed against them,
  • laying out the guilt and shame where it has always belonged: at the feet of the perpetrators.

It can be life-changing.

There is nothing sudden or accelerated about making a historical child sexual abuse claim. It is a carefully considered process, starting with a conversation with your experienced legal advisor, then taking procedural steps forward and seeing it through.

The compensation process usually culminates in the legal parties arriving at an agreed settlement figure in a mediation negotiated by your legal team.

Our clients do not need to be confronted by the defendants during this process. Child sexual abuse cases very rarely go to court and only then with the instruction of our clients.

Getting through to the other side of a claim for childhood institutional abuse does not change what happened, but it is our experience that almost all that do, feel a weight off their shoulders that they may have carried for decades.

The secret they felt bound to keep forever is relegated to the past where it belongs.

Finally if ever there was a truth it is that you are not alone.

All over the world victims of child sexual abuse are coming out, speaking up and getting the support & recognition they so deserve. It really can be a good news story.

If either you or someone close to you would like to talk to one of our abuse specialists, for free and in confidence, about your legal options, please feel free to either fill out the form below with the best way and the best time to contact you, or you can call us on 02 9283 5599.

12 replies to The Key To A Successful Compensation Claim: Follow It Through

  1. I was stupid and redress trapped me I told them I was in financial hardship so they rushed it through and gave me the little stuff amount they could which was $50.000 and was told they can only do one dentention centre that’s it but there was multiple so now I’m trying to go through a court case for the other one which I should have done first but wasn’t told any of that and then made me sign a paper saying I won’t charge the person that did it to me that’s them saying it’s ok for them to do what they did it’s disgusting 🤮

  2. My son is 4 years old he is in the care of department of children protection
    But sins he is in there care of the state care of western Australia no child should be abused by there careers but sins my son was a new born baby all he been get is bruises only on he’s face but last fortnight ago he had 2 black eyes for a 4 years old boy in the care of the state no child should have any bruises on them but every second or third fortnight there will bruises on him not right I have my own home for the last 3half years now so please help me

  3. My father was a good man until he had a couple of drinks then he would become very agitated and get violent I grew up watching him beat my mother badly to the point she was unrecognisable n had to be hospitalized I was terrified of my dad growing up as I got older I’d step in for mum and take a beating for her it wasn’t until I had my own kids and I was around the age of 25 that I sat down with my father and he told me that when he was younger in the boys homes (Darrick and Woodlands if I remember correctly) when he was there every Sunday different groups of men would show up and pick which boy they wanted and abuse the boys
    it must have been a full on profile ring by what I was told by my father and it still makes me sick when I think about what he said they done to him this went on for the duration of his stay there and that is when It finally made some sense of why he was that way he was hated homosexuals and pedophiles with good reason he also struggled to show any affection to his family ….my father took his own life a month or so after that conversation I found him hanging from the shed roof I’d just liked to point out the abuse he endured in his youth didn’t just affect his life it affected our (his children’s his partners lives) I’d just like to point out it can take generations to recover from the damage done by some perverted sexual predators actions my father would’ve been a deserving victim some compensation but he isn’t with us anymore god bless him…. I’ve heard of people making up false claims of abuse for a bit of money I find that very disrespectful to the people that were abused and there families

  4. I was abused and bashed badly when I was in a lot of boys homes and in prisons. I am not prepared to say anything else at this moment, Except to ask you is there any thing that you could help me with. Michael.

  5. Hi my non biological farther had a work accident when I was six, frontal lobe head injury caused violent out burst, my parents married life ended he became and alcoholic, he would bash me as a young kid and early teenager fight with my mum on a regular basis, his now 58 retired multimillion, I’m left with this trauma at 32

  6. I was abused in reiby boys homes and and most of all in mount Penang boys homes. I am a mess and have spent over half my life in prison and the other half making me family miserable. I hope you get back to me

  7. I walk in to a police station at aged 42 it took one police woman and nearly a Yr to do my statement. On my way to court, the police officer told me she had never done this before. Two police prosecutors done my case, my statement was so good, that my father went to jail. This was nearly 20 Yrs ago. I got $8,500 but the judge said I would love to be able to give you more, he said right a book. I haven’t done it, I need help. I now have to wait for him to pass away, so I can get help to claim his property which I deserve. Unfortunately he has a covenant on it he used when he had to go to court. It seems I still can’t win. But my statement could help thousands of victims to get there abuser in jail and justices and it’s that easy. I didn’t think that at the time, I was terrified I would have to face him in court. But the two police prosecutors got 28 charges out of 35 charges and said it was the statement it was that well done, he had not a chance in the world of walking out of that court room and go home. Straight to Jail. Well done to probably now senior constable S—— E—— Geelong sexual assault unit.

  8. Age 5 or 6 I was a stupid child approached by intelligence service kidnappers 1 do you like. 2 so you are interested curious. 3 make a decision. Freemasonry either by rituals or supernatural brainwashing information in believed bonded by words of power . Prayed over to become equals personal identity. Which then becomes claiming to be personal identity. Babylon values are Hollywood values. Told to Imagine. Do I want a hypertheoricals billion dollar and would I give it to church plus 15 sting and ring from age 9 to 24 or so. Repressed memories im blame boy

  9. I was molested repeatedly from a young age from my mother’s younger brother my uncle, whilst in the care of my grandmother as my grandfather was a very aggressive piece of shit to my nan and would beat her just not whilst I was around so I was put into a house of horrors with a woman I adored as her protection whilst no one protected me! once I confronted them on this she said to me. he wasn’t of age (he was) he was 18 not that his age was relevant at all he did this to me her care factor was 0% I was shattered. they swept it back under the rug when it took alot for me to tell them I kept it to myself because of my nan for 13years I was ashamed thats the way he made me feel, when thats how he should have felt and feel everyday he should go though what I have to go through or what my partner or my whole family have to go through with me when I’m going through my emotions that I can’t handle anymore by myself whilst he has everyone handle everything I wish I had the strength along time ago! please help me

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