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Systemic Abuse within Church of England Boys’ Society

The Church of England Boys’ Society (CEBS) was revealed to be a network for systemic abuse, where perpetrators operated with impunity across various dioceses. The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse’s Case Study 36 exposed the extent of this abuse and the individuals involved.

Detailed Accounts of the worst CEBS Perpetrators

  • Louis Daniels:
    Louis Victor Daniels, a former Anglican priest in Tasmania, was convicted of sexually abusing children. He held a leadership position within The Church of England Boys’ Society and used this role to gain access to and abuse boys over nine years between 1978 and 1987. After resigning from the Tasmanian diocese in late 1994, Daniels moved to the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), where he worked in a pastoral position for the church and at several public schools. His predatory actions were facilitated by the trust placed in him by the community due to his position within the church. Daniels has faced the courts multiple times and has pleaded guilty to historical child sexual abuse charges.
  • Garth Hawkins:
    Garth Hawkins, also an Anglican priest in Tasmania, was convicted in 2003 of offences committed over a ten-year period between 1974 and 1984 for the abuse of seven teenage boys. He utilized his position within the church to gain unfettered access to young boys whom he then abused. Hawkins’ association with CEBS leaders, particularly Louis Daniels, was noted during his trial. His conviction brought to light the extent of his abuse and his connections within the CEBS network.
  • Robert Brandenburg:
    Robert Brandenburg was a layperson involved with CEBS who rose to senior positions within the organization. He was accused of abusing up to 200 young boys but committed suicide before facing court in 1999. Allegations suggest that Brandenburg took boys alone to campsites and sexually abused them. His case was a significant part of the Royal Commission’s findings, highlighting the failures of the Diocese of Adelaide in responding to the allegations against him.
  • Simon Jacobs
    Simon Jacobs, a lay leader of CEBS in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, was convicted and pleaded guilty to 11 child sex offence charges involving six boys. He was sentenced to nine years in prison with a non-parole period of five and six months. Jacobs’ conduct with young boys was reported to church authorities on several occasions, but these complaints were often ignored or dismissed.
  • John Elliot:
    John Litton Elliot, a former leader of CEBS and later an ordained priest, was implicated in child sexual abuse allegations before his ordination. The Royal Commission reported that the Archbishop of Brisbane at the time was made aware of these allegations but allowed Elliot to remain in his ministry, albeit with restrictions.

These individuals were not isolated in their actions; they were part of a broader network that exploited the structure of CEBS to facilitate and conceal their abuse.

The Path to Civil Claims

For survivors of abuse by CEBS members, civil claims offer a pathway to seek compensation and hold perpetrators accountable. Koffels Solicitors and Barristers stand ready to support survivors through this process. Our firm represents survivors in civil claims, ensuring their voices are heard and their experiences are acknowledged in pursuing justice and financial compensation.

Why Choose Civil Claims?

Civil claims can provide several advantages for survivors:

  • Tailored Compensation: Unlike the National Redress Scheme, civil claims can result in compensation that reflects the individual harm suffered.
  • Accountability: Civil claims can hold institutions and individuals accountable for their actions.
  • Legal Expertise: With experienced legal representation, survivors can confidently navigate the legal system’s complexities.

How Koffels Can Help

Koffels Solicitors and Barristers offer comprehensive legal services for survivors, including:

  • Case Evaluation: We assess the merits of each case and provide honest advice on the likelihood of success.
  • Legal Representation: Our team represents survivors throughout the legal process, from filing the claim to reaching a settlement or verdict.
  • Support and Guidance: We understand the emotional toll of these cases and offer compassionate support every step of the way.

If you or someone you know has been affected by abuses at the hands of the Church of England Boys’ Society or any other institution, we urge you to come forward. Your voice matters, and your story deserves to be heard. Legal professionals specializing in historical institutional abuse compensation claims can provide the support and guidance needed to navigate the path towards justice and healing.

We stand with you in your quest for acknowledgement and reparation. Together, we can hold accountable those who have failed in their duty of care and ensure that such injustices are never repeated.

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