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Peter Jeremy Longley – Scotch College Perth Institutional Child Sexual Abuse

Educators are highly regarded in our society. After all, teachers are expected to be facilitators in cultivating the impressionable minds of their students. More so, teachers are leaned upon by parents to help guide their children to learn how to grow to their best version of themselves. Thus, educators are held to a high standard since they are expected to serve as protectors of their students, especially while students are under the educator’s supervision while at school.

Unfortunately, some educators take advantage of the social and personal trust their students and parents put in them. One of these educators is Peter Jeremy Longley, who has abused the very students they are supposed to be protecting.

Who is Peter Jeremy Longley?

Peter Jeremy Longley is a long-time educator from Karnup, Western Australia. His career in education spanned three decades between the 1950s and the 1980s when most of his abuse was committed. As a trusted teacher and dormitory master, Longley had access to young students and could develop close relationships with them, albeit inappropriate. He has used his position as a trusted educator to groom and commit sexual abuse on his students.

Peter Jeremy Longley has served numerous long-term positions in various educational institutions across Western Australia.

These schools and his position at these institutions are as follows:

  • Dormitory Master at Guildford Grammar
  • Dormitory Master and English Teacher at The Geelong College
  • Primary School Teacher at Scotch College in Perth, Western Australia

Longley initially started at Guildford Grammar but was fired for “gross indecency”. He then moved on to work at Geelong College for five years. Soon after, Longley moved out of Victoria and worked at Scotch College in Perth.

Has Peter Jeremy Longley Been Convicted and Served Jail Time For His Crimes?

In 2000, Longley pleaded guilty to 23 counts of molesting six young victims between late 1950-1980. Three of these victims were from Guildford Grammar, two from Scotch College, and one was a young child of a neighbour of Longley. He served six years in jail in connection with this guilty plea.

However, the crimes listed above were not the only accusations against Longley. There are new accusations of child sexual abuse being alleged against Longley by former students who the abusive educator victimized.

Help Us Bring Peter Jeremy Longley and Other Abusers to Justice

Please reach out to us if you have witnessed any abuse, if you were a student of Peter Jeremy Longley between the 1950s to 1980s, or have attended one of the schools Longley has worked for during the time frame listed above. You may have vital information that could help us bring Peter Jeremy Longley to justice and bring closure to his many institutional child sexual abuse victims.

Moreover, if you or a loved one has fallen victim to Peter Jeremy Longley’s sexual abuse or any sexual abuse committed by a member of the Guildford Grammar, Geelong College, or Scotch College, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are committed to helping victims bring their abusers to justice.

If you would like to talk to one of our historical sexual abuse specialists about your legal options for free and in confidence, please get in touch with us at (02) 9283 5599 or complete the form below with the best way and time for us to reach you.

Here at Koeffels, we are dedicated to preserving and fighting for the rights of the abused. It does not matter how much time has passed since the abuse has happened. We firmly believe that all abuse suffered by innocent children deserves justice.

5 replies to Peter Jeremy Longley – Scotch College Perth Institutional Child Sexual Abuse

  1. I was a Year 7 boarder at Guildford Grammar school in 1966 when Longley was a Dormitory Master. Apart from his gross displays in the communal showers, it was common knowledge that a favorite of his, a boy named McCauley from memory, used to be given two shillings each time he visited Longley at his accommodation quarters. The nickname by which McCauley was referred to was “two bob Mac”. I am so glad I was not one of Mr Longley’s ‘favourite’ boys.

  2. Hi there.
    He got worse. I am unfortunate enough to have been abused by him in 1984. I was in grade 5. People ten years older than me and four years younger were victims also. I have their word that they will stand up in court if it means exposing this horrid man. I am addressing this as of Monday.

    1. Hi Harsim,
      Thank you for your courage in coming forward. If you’d like any assistance with your claim, our historical child sexual abuse compensation specialists would be honoured to help in any way they can.

  3. Enoughs enough. I still have friends from grade 1. I am happy to wait to talk about certain personal incidents because I am sure worse happened to borders. I was “the class clown” though so it’s hard to be taken seriously. I would like a lot of initial privacy in this matter as I have been doubted, told to put the past in the past and move on by various people over the years. This is one of the hardest things to talk about as a human. I’m also quite easily identifiable in Perth so it only compounds my stress when my recollections are doubted.
    This itself is the irony of my life. I can name every teacher I had, remember every camp, and every seasons weather pattern. I can also remember specific dates various things happened. I have an identic memory and know any face I have met or talked to.

    1. Hi Harsim,
      In matters where identities may be sensitive, it is not uncommon to use pseudonyms in court filings. It might also be reassuring to know that only a tiny percentage of the matters we’ve carried ever get as far as a court appearance – most cases end up settling well before this.
      Again, if we can help, please let us know.

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