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Link Between Abuse and Destructive Behaviour

There is a clear link between abuse in childhood and destructive behaviours in adulthood

It has been reported on the news carrier, BBC World, that UK comedian Tony Slattery recently revealed that he too was the victim of Child Sexual Abuse by a priest when he was just 8 years old.

A comedy star of the 80s and 90’s his personal issues caused him to withdraw from public view until of recent, when he appeared in a BBC Two’s Horizon documentary, “What’s the Matter with Tony Slattery”, which shows his return to the stage, along with revealing his issues with drug and alcohol, his undiagnosed bi-polar tendencies, and his attempt to understand how his behaviour may have related to the abuse he suffered in childhood.

After over 10 years of working through these very issues of behaviour and abuse with the clients we represent, we know that this is a well-worn path for victims. The patterns of substance abuse, anger management, depression, destructive and anti-social behaviour repeat over and over again across our myriad of files, as clients grapple with why they cannot function in society as others seem to do so easily. The answer is that people react these ways for a reason, children do not just “turn bad” or “go off the rails” for no reason.

Slattery is quoted as saying on the UK broadcast “Today” with Nick Robinson; “There was denial because I thought look, some things happened a quarter of a century ago, I’m 60 now, (it was) when I was eight, what is the point?”

We heartily commend Mr Slattery’s brave decision to speak out, and if his story is your story too, we urge you to seek help from professional agencies and medical practitioners who know and understand your issues. You deserve support, and understanding as to why you act the way you do, can make the world of difference to your well-being.  The link between abuse and destructive behaviour is real.

If you feel that you wish to go further and seek professional legal advice as to a possible claim for compensation, call us. We will listen, understand, and do all we can to support you in the process. Many victims have lost a lifetime of earnings and the dignity of a rewarding career through what can only be described as predatory behaviour on the innocent.

Either way, we hope you will reach out.

f you or someone you know is living with the trauma of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse, we urge you to seek professional help. Time shows us that these traumas of childhood live on into adulthood, and impact the victims and those around them over decades. It is important to know that there are those in the community who do stand up, do speak out, and do advocate for the protection of the vulnerable. If you choose to seek compensation speak to us and we will listen in the utmost confidence, and assist you wherever we can. Please do not hesitate to call Ross on 02 9283 5599 for assistance.

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