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George Pell: Child Sexual Abuse Accusations, Cover-ups and The Impact on Survivors

George Pell is a former top-ranking Catholic priest and cardinal who was convicted of sexually abusing children in 2018. The accusations against Pell date back to the 1970s and 1980s when he served as a priest in Ballarat, where the Royal Commission heard he was amongst as many as 14 priests who had abused children.

Pell was first accused of sexually abusing children in the 1990s, but these allegations were not pursued by authorities at the time. In 2013, however, new allegations surfaced, and an investigation was launched.

The investigation led to Pell being charged with multiple counts of child sexual abuse in 2017. He was convicted on five charges in 2018 and sentenced to six years in prison.

Pell’s conviction and sentencing were met with a mixed reactions. Some survivors of institutional child sexual abuse applauded the decision, while defenders of the Catholic Church criticized the legal process and the way the case was handled.

The accusations and convictions of George Pell have had a significant impact on survivors of child sexual abuse, both in Australia and around the world. Many survivors have come forward to share their stories and to seek justice, while others have been re-traumatized by the case and the media coverage surrounding it.

The accusations against Pell have also shed light on the issue of cover-ups within the Catholic Church. It is alleged that Pell and other high-ranking church officials were aware of the abuse but failed to take appropriate action, instead choosing to protect the reputation of the church.

In 2013, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse was established to investigate the Catholic Church’s handling of child sexual abuse. The commission heard testimony from many survivors, including those who had been abused by Pell. The commission’s findings, released in 2017, found that Pell was aware of the abuse being committed by other priests but failed to take appropriate action.

The accusations and conviction of George Pell have had a significant impact on survivors of child sexual abuse and have brought attention to the issue of cover-ups within the Catholic Church. It is important that we continue to support survivors and hold those responsible for abuse accountable for their actions. The findings of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, which investigated the Catholic Church’s handling of child sexual abuse, including the actions of George Pell, also confirm the need for accountability and change within the institution.

If you or someone you know would like to talk to one of our historical sexual abuse specialists, for free and in confidence, about your legal options, please feel free to either complete the form below with the best way and the best time to contact you, or you can call us on 02 9283 5599.

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