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Father Brian Spillane: Child Abuses at St Stanislaus College – A Call For Witnesses

Father Brian Spillane is a former priest who was convicted of multiple sexual offences against children. He was found guilty of sexually abusing students at St Stanislaus College in Bathurst, New South Wales, where he worked as a chaplain and teacher. His crimes were committed between 1974 and 1990, and he was sentenced to jail for these offences.

Brian Joseph Spillane was born around 1943 and began training for the Catholic priesthood in the 1960s. He was associated with the Vincentian Fathers and Brothers, also known as the Congregation of the Mission (C.M.).

Spillane’s religious career included various roles at St Stanislaus College in Bathurst, New South Wales, where he served as

  • a form master,
  • dormitory master,
  • full-time teacher,
  • sports coach,
  • dean of discipline,
  • cadet unit lieutenant, and
  • band supervisor

Brian Spillane gained access to students at St Stanislaus College through his various roles at the institution. As a priest and member of the Vincentian order, he held positions of authority and trust, which provided him with close contact with the students, many of whom were boarders and away from their families for the first time.

Spillane was described as “wickedly manipulative” and used his position to exploit the vulnerability of homesick young boarding school students. He took advantage of the trust placed in him by the students and the community, and he used religious rituals to increase his power over his victims. The court heard he knew he could act with impunity, and there was almost no chance his offending would be revealed.

Brian Spillane served in various capacities and locations throughout his career. Apart from his significant tenure at St Stanislaus College in Bathurst, he also worked in the following places:

  • St Anthony’s Parish in Marsfield, Sydney, where he was stationed from 1979 to 1983.
  • He was part of a renewal team led by the Australian head of the Vincentian order, which toured Vincentian parishes around Australia from the early 1980s. This role involved promoting Catholic teachings and gave him access to various communities.
  • In the early 1990s, he ministered at the Mary Immaculate parish in Southport, Queensland.

Brian Spillane faced numerous charges related to sexual offences against children. He was convicted for sexually abusing seven students between 1974 and 1990 at St Stanislaus College in Bathurst. The offences included 16 counts of various charges, such as buggery against boys as young as 12. Additionally, he was convicted for nine counts of indecent assault against three girls whom he had sexually abused while based in Marsfield, New South Wales, in 1979.

He was sentenced to at least nine years in jail and a maximum of 13 years, with eligibility for parole in November 2026.

If you or anyone you know was impacted by the abuses of Father Brain Spillane, please contact us at Koffels Solicitors and Barristers – we can help you find the best path to the legal compensation you deserve.




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