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Ex-Boy Scout Leader Sex Abuser

Ex-Boy Scout Leader Mario Henry Aliverti the latest in Convicted Child Sexual Abusers

Boy Scouts AbuseWe have read today in the Sydney Morning Herald article by court reporter Georgina Mitchell that Scout Leader sex abuser, Mario Henry Aliverti has been convicted of sexually abusing young boys in his care, and will finally pay the price. He has been jailed, and will stay there for the next 20 years at a minimum.

As is so often the case, at the time these assaults were committed, little was done despite the fact that there were those who came forward to report the abuse. While Aliveti was banned from being a scout leader in 1990, the advice from a Scout commissioner was to, “think twice”, before making official complaints, as they may find themselves charged by authorities for neglect. History shows that the perpetrator (scout leader sex abuse) then went on to assault other boys between 1993 and 2007.

This story is so sadly repeated over and over; different assailants, different children, different institutions, but the same story line. It is the crime that has no witnesses, little credibility for the young victims, and a steely determination of institutions to hide the crime at all costs.

So yet another evil doer has been caught, charged and made to face the punishment they deserve, but has anything really changed for the victims?

The answer is absolutely. Victims of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse were the subject of a Royal Commission, and from this flowed a river of horror stories, but also a new march of victims that are believed, vindicated and can be compensated for a lifetime impact, as a direct result of what they have suffered. Their recollections of what happened form stories and patterns that can be aligned with those of other victims, the history of the perpetrators can be charted, and substantiating analysis by experts in psychiatry and psychology can be tabled. It is a sorry truth that child sexual abusers rarely stop at one, and their trail becomes clear once uncovered.

The first step is to make the call to get help, legal advice and support. It is then that victims find out that they are far from alone, but part of an uprising of those whose time has come. It is far from easy, but so often the yolk lifted off their shoulders opens a door to a better life going forward.

No Win No Fee Compensation Claims - Enquire Now

Koffels Solicitors & Barristers have made substantial headway into providing support and compensation for those individuals who have suffered through childhood sexual abuse. We are work with victims on a daily basis, and we see first-hand the incredible impact that this abuse has on the lives of an individuals. In many cases the offences were brought to the attention of superiors yet no action was taken against these predators.

The very real difficulties in life that have arisen as a direct result of abuse , form part of the compensation that we will seek on your behalf. For a private and confidential conversation with Ross Koffel to discuss your experience, and the possibility of a claim, please contact us using our secure and private online form here; or to be sure, call Ross on 02 9283 5599.

We are here to help.

2 replies to Ex-Boy Scout Leader Sex Abuser

  1. I am a survivor of this grub and I can assure you that the commissioner who warned the parents off had full knowledge of Alivertis actions but Police are very reluctant to pursue this even though I have provided times dates and details.

    At this current time, a civil compensation action is underway but has reached a stalemate with insurers of scouts nsw now arguing who is going to finance the compensation.

    My legal representatives assured me this was to be concluded by the end of September 2022 however we are at this point in time and no forward movement appears to be likely

    1. Hi Martin,
      We understand that making a claim like this can be a difficult & challenging process. We encourage all survivors to come forward as you are not only fighting the fight for yourself, but also fighting it for other people are yet to speak up, and for the safety of children who are currently attending Scouts activities.

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