Personal Injury Major Colin Haggar: abuse inside the Salvation ArmyMajor Colin Haggar, a former senior officer in the Salvation Army, has been accused of committing serious acts of child sexual abuse during his time working with vulnerable children.
Personal Injury Institutional Abuse in the Passionist OrderThe Passionist Order, also known as the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ, has been embroiled in serious abuse allegations in Australia. Key figures within the order, such as Father Daniel Lyne and Brother Vincent Crawford, have been implicated in numerous cases of sexual abuse spanning several decades.
Personal Injury Abuse at Riverview Home for BoysThe Riverview Home for Boys, run by The Salvation Army in Queensland, harboured abusers like Lawrence Wilson and Lieutenant Spratt, two of Australia’s most notorious paedophiles.
Personal Injury Institutional Child Abuse at Reiby Training SchoolReiby Juvenile Justice Centre, also known as Reiby Training School, has frequently been involved with institutional child sexual abuse allegations and charges.
Personal Injury Abuse within the Archdiocese of Ballarat: Institutions and OffendersThe two most notorious schools in the Archdiocese of Ballarat were St Alipius Primary School and St Patrick’s College and the 4 worst child abusers who worked under their auspices were Ridsdale, Best, Dowlan and Ryan
Personal Injury Child Abuse at St Pius X College, ChatswoodSt Pius X College in Chatswood, a prominent Sydney educational institution, has been linked to serious allegations of historical institutional child abuse involving two specific individuals: Brother Christopher Rafferty and Father Roger Michael Bellemore.
Personal Injury Stephen McLaughlin – child abuse at Nudgee CollegeStephen McLaughlin’s history of child sexual abuse at Highlands Christian College in Toowoomba and other institutions and settings.
Personal Injury Senior Jesuit St Ignatius’ College Riverview Jailed For Child AbuseLaurence Leonard was found guilty of two counts of indecent assault against a 12-year-old student at St Ignatius Riverview in the mid-1970s.
Personal Injury The Child Abusers at St Mary’s Cathedral CollegeSt Mary’s Cathedral College has faced significant scrutiny due to multiple allegations of institutional child sexual abuse by perpetrators such as William Peter Standen, Brian Mills and Brother Richards,