Call for Witnesses Call for Witnesses: John McMillan at Preshil and Wesley CollegeJohn McMillan pleaded guilty to a run of institutional child sexual abuse claims whilst he worked at Preshil and Wesley College between 1975 and 1996
Call for Witnesses Call for Witnesses: Brother Martin Harmata & Allan James Pollock, Patrician Brothers CollegeBrother Martin Harmata was charged with 8 counts of sexual abuse of 3 different minors while teaching at the Patrician Brothers College of Blacktown.
Personal Injury Peter Jeremy Longley – Scotch College Perth Institutional Child Sexual AbuseAs a trusted teacher and dormitory master, Peter Jeremy Longley had access to young students and could develop close relationships with them, albeit inappropriate. He has used his position as a trusted educator to groom and commit sexual abuse on his students.
Personal Injury Brother Roger “Gabriel” Mount – Institutional Child Abuse at St. John of GodSt John of God Order is accused of paying off ex-students of its institutions to keep quiet about sexual misconduct by Brother Roger Mount aka Father Gabriel that occurred whilst at their respective schools with staff members and priests in positions of authority.
Personal Injury Brother Thomas (Patrick) Butler – Institutional Sexual Abuse in the Marist BrothersBrother Thomas Butler also known as Brother Patrick puts Marist Brothers centre stage for their inability to act on institutional child sexual abuse.
Personal Injury Father Peter Brock – Maitland-Newcastle Institutional Child AbuseFather Peter Brock was charged with 22 child sexual abuse offences relating to twin boys in the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese in the 1970s
Call for Witnesses Ringwood Technical School Child Abuse – A Call for WitnessesKoffels Solicitors and Barristers are currently working on historical institutional child sexual abuse claims at Ringwood Technical School, Heathmont in the 1970s and we are seeking contact from people who might have attended music classes.
Call for Witnesses Rod Corrie – Scouts NSW Child Abuse – A Call For WitnessesKoffels Solicitors and Barristers is seeking witnesses to child sexual abuse perpetrated by Roderick Albert Joseph Corrie, a former NSW Branch Commissioner and scout leader.
Personal Injury Institutional Child Abuse at the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-NewcastleEstablished in 1847, the Diocese of Maitland Newcastle – formerly known as the Diocese of Maitland – has caught itself in the epicentre of a Catholic Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Scandal in the heart of Australia.