Personal Injury The Burden of Proof in the National Redress Scheme: What Survivors Need to KnowHow does the NRS “reasonable likelihood” vary from the “balance of probabilities” used in civil cases or the “beyond reasonable doubt” standard in criminal trials?
Personal Injury What Sort of Institutions Are In The National Redress SchemeHere is a full list of the types of Institution that has signed up to the National Redress Scheme in the wake of the Royal Commission
Call for Witnesses Gerald Ridsdale: Yet More Child Abuse AdmissionsGerald Ridsdale, now 90 years old, pleaded guilty in August 2024 to eight new charges involving the abuse of children between 1973 and 1981
Call for Witnesses William Allen: Former Victorian Teacher Accused of Child Sexual AbuseSeeking witnesses for cases involving William Allen, a former teacher and convicted paedophile who taught at various schools in Victoria during the 1970s
Call for Witnesses Seeking Witnesses from St Joseph’s School and Our Lady of the Rosary (1992-1995)Seeking Information on Child Abuse at St Joseph’s School and Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church (1992-1995)
Call for Witnesses Magill Youth Training Centre – A Call For SurvivorsThe Magill Youth Training Centre, located in South Australia, has a long and troubling history of abuse and mistreatment of the young people held there.…
Personal Injury The Child Sexual Abuses of Scout Leader John William AlcornJohn William Alcorn, an 84-year-old former Scout leader in northern NSW, has been convicted of 16 historical child sexual abuse offenses spanning several decades.
Personal Injury Brother John Climacus Kissane – Child AbuserThe history of Brother John Climacus Kissane, a member of the Christian Brothers, reveals serious misconduct in several Catholic schools across Victoria and Tasmania.
Personal Injury Father Peter John O’Neill: The Story of AbuseFather Peter John O’Neill, a former teacher, was charged with multiple counts of sexual abuse against schoolboys during the 1980s. He admitted to six counts…