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Child Sexual Abuse at Castledare Junior Orphanage

Castledare Junior Orphanage was a residential institution operated by the Christian Brothers in Western Australia from 1934 to 1983. Initially established as a special school for boys with learning difficulties, it evolved into a more general educational and residential facility. Here are key details:

  • Purpose: Castledare began as a primary school for boys aged around 6 to 12 years. It accommodated boys who were wards of the State and those placed privately by family or others.
  • Background: The institution was located in what became 100 Fern Road, Wilson (originally Queen’s Park).
  • Admissions: Boys aged 8 to 10 years were commonly placed at Castledare. It welcomed Australian-born boys, child migrants, and both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal boys.
  • Name Variations: Over the years, Castledare went by various names, including:
    • St Vincent’s Preparatory School for Boys
    • Castledare Boys’ Home
    • Castledare Boys’ Orphanage
    • Castledare School

Perpetrators Associated with Castledare

  1. Brother Paul Keaney:
    • Role: Brother Keaney was a Christian Brother who worked at Castledare.
    • Allegations: He faced allegations of sexual abuse during his time there.
    • Legal Consequences: Specific legal outcomes for Brother Keaney are not readily available in my current knowledge base. However, survivors’ testimonies played a crucial role in exposing the abuse.
  2. Brother Lawrence Murphy:
    • Role: Brother Murphy was another Christian Brother at Castledare.
    • Accusations: He was accused of sexually abusing boys in his care.
    • Broader Context: Brother Murphy’s actions were part of the wider pattern of abuse within the institution.
  3. Brother Christopher Angus:
    • Role: Brother Angus was also implicated in abuse cases at Castledare.
    • Contributions to Abuse: His actions contributed to the overall climate of abuse within the institution.

These individuals were among those named in the investigations, and their actions had a profound impact on the lives of survivors.

Legal Consequences and Survivor Testimonies

The brave revelations from survivors’ testimonies led to significant changes in policies and awareness around child protection. Castledare and Clontarf were among the worst offending institutions in Australia, with numerous allegations. Survivors seeking legal compensation should be aware of their rights and options.

How Koffels Solicitors and Barristers Can Help

At Koffels Solicitors and Barristers, we are committed to standing by survivors of the abuses at Castledare Junior Orphanage Our dedicated historical institutional child abuse team is here to help you through the legal process and achieve the compensation you deserve.


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